VIVO Sp. z o.o.

A. Warranty

I. General information

1. The guarantor is VIVO SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, ul. Bartycka 26/24, 00-716 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS 0000710449, NIP 5342571122, REGON 369057675.

2. The guarantor provides a 24-month warranty for goods sold as part of the online store

3. The warranty period does not run anew, nor is it extended by the time during which the customer could not use the product due to the complaint procedure.

4. The warranty covers only goods purchased and used in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

5. Responsibility under the quality guarantee covers only defects resulting from reasons inherent in the goods.

6. The condition for using the warranty rights is:
1) full payment for the goods. The warranty is not granted if the buyer has not made full payment for the goods. Payment after the deadline does not postpone the start of the warranty period.
2) compliance with the instructions contained in the assembly and operating manual or other documents provided with the goods. The guidelines for using the products are also included in Annex 1 to this document.

II. Procedure

1. All complaints will be considered individually.

2. Submitting a complaint under the guarantee – under pain of losing the rights under the guarantee – should take place within 14 days from the date of finding the defect.

3. Complaints procedure:
1) the customer may initially indicate the defect by phone (tel. 735 877 668) or by e-mail (;
2) notwithstanding the above, the customer is obliged to submit a complaint by e-mail to the following address: The declaration must provide the following information: a) name of the goods; b) the date of purchase of the goods; (c) contact details: name, address and telephone number; d) description of the defect,
3) the application must be accompanied by photographic documentation or a recording with an apparent problem and the place of installation – this material is the basis for the initial analysis of the application and determining the legitimacy of sending the goods to the guarantor;
4) the guarantor can solve the problem remotely, if it is possible, and the customer is obliged to cooperate, e.g. perform the actions suggested by the guarantor (e.g. pressing a combination of buttons on the remote control of the device);
5) if it is not possible to solve the problem remotely, the customer should send the goods back to the guarantor for analysis. The guarantor organizes the transport – orders the courier and bears its cost;
6) the customer is obliged to:
1) prepare the device for transport by disassembling it (disconnecting it from the water and electricity supply). Note: in the case of washing toilets, as a rule, it is enough to disassemble the upper body of the device (the toilet seat with a lid and all electronics), and the toilet bowl cannot be disassembled, because it does not fail and is not required to consider the complaint;
2) clean the device from any contamination resulting from normal use. If the guarantor receives a dirty device, the guarantor may refuse to consider the complaint or send the goods back to the customer for proper preparation of the device. In this case, the customer is responsible for organizing the shipment and its costs;
3) pack the goods correctly. Note: the guarantor suggests using the original packaging or a replacement cardboard box with standard proportions and a cuboid shape and with total dimensions not exceeding 70 x 60 x 30 cm. The use of other packaging may result in an increase in transport costs, and the guarantor will be entitled to claim the difference in costs from the customer;
4) consult the guarantor on the accessories or parts that should be attached and attach them to the shipment;
5) secure the device reliably during transport in such a way that the device is secured on all sides with bubble wrap or other sealing material and protecting it against falling;
6) send the parcel to our service: ul. Bartycka 24/26/123, 00-716 Warsaw

4. After prior agreement with the guarantor, the customer may deliver and collect the goods in person at the guarantor: ul. Bartycka 24/26/123, 00-716 Warsaw, instead of using the courier service.

5. The guarantor examines the application within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the goods from the customer and informs the customer about the decision and further actions.

6. The guarantor does not provide a replacement device for the duration of the complaint procedure or for the period of repair or replacement of the goods.

III. Warranty rights and decisions

1. As part of the warranty rights, you are entitled to:
1) removal of defects in the goods (repair);
2) replacement of the goods with a new one.
3) If the complaint is accepted by the guarantor, the guarantor is obliged to remove the defects of the goods free of charge or to replace it free of charge with goods free from defects (the choice of the service belongs to the guarantor).

2. The time of repair or replacement of the device depends on the availability of goods or spare parts and may be up to 14 days.

3. After prior agreement between the guarantor and the customer in the event of minor defects, it is possible to consider the complaint based on a complaint (without delivering the goods to the guarantor) and provide the customer with spare parts under the warranty for the customer to carry out the repair himself, in accordance with the instructions from the guarantor . In this case, the customer carries out the repair at his own risk with all consequences.

4. NOTE: If the device proves to be operational (the problem reported by the customer does not occur, the guarantor has evidence in the form of a video recording), then the customer bears the cost of delivery of the goods. In this case, the guarantor returns the goods to the customer on delivery, and the customer is obliged to pay the courier for the shipment. This does not apply to the case described in point A.II.4 above.

5. After completion of the repair process, replacement of individual spare parts or the entire device for a new warranty period for the device or individual spare parts is not renewed or extended, and will end exactly 24 months from the date of purchase of the goods.

IV. Exclusions

1. The liability under the guarantee does not include:
1) defects that have arisen as a result of wear of parts subject to natural wear;
2) defects that arose as a result of faulty installation, faulty assembly or repair works, or the use of non-original or defective assembly accessories or spare parts;
3) parts which, due to their material properties or the method of application, are subject to increased wear;
4) damage to the coating or other surface protection of the goods;
5) irregularities caused by factors beyond the guarantor’s control, e.g. flooding, fire, earthquake, lightning, explosion, carelessness or intentional action, physical damage, unusual environmental conditions, etc .;
6) mechanical damage caused by the buyer or third parties;
7) damage resulting from the accident;
8) damage or defects resulting from the use or storage of the goods in a manner different from normal or as a result of failure to comply with the warnings contained in the manual or on the product, or improper maintenance of the product;
9) the consequences of repairs, alterations, changes or modifications to the goods or their elements, made on the buyer’s own initiative;
10) damage, stains, etc. resulting from the removal of sediments or foreign bodies;
11) damage or defects resulting from water quality in the region where the product is used;
12) damage or defects caused by rodents, insects and other animals;
13) damage or defects resulting from product freezing due to improper storage;
14) damage or defects resulting from inadequate power supply (including voltage or frequency);
15) damage or defects resulting from installation of the product on moving vehicles such as cars, airplanes or ships;
16) damage or defects resulting from battery wear or power interruptions.

V. Additional Provisions

1. The guarantee does not exclude, limit or suspend the rights resulting from the provisions on the warranty for defects in the item sold, subject to separate provisions in point B of this document.

2. In the event of the sale of the goods by the buyer during the warranty period, the guarantor undertakes to fulfill the warranty benefits for the next buyer only when he presents a contract for the sale of the goods, containing a decision to transfer the rights under the guarantee to him.

3. The warranty is valid in the territory of the Republic of Poland. In the event of the export of the Goods outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, liability under the guarantee shall expire.

4. In matters not covered by these terms and conditions, the relevant provisions of law shall apply.

B. Warranty for Defects

1. The seller is VIVO SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, ul. Bartycka 26/24, 00-716 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS 0000710449, NIP 5342571122, REGON 369057675. Other definitions result from the Regulations

2. Liability under the warranty is excluded in legal relations with Clients and Entrepreneurs with privileged rights as consumers.

3. The Seller is liable to the Consumer if the Product has a physical or legal defect (warranty) on the terms set out in the provisions of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2017.459, i.e. as amended) and in the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws No. .U.2017.683, i.e. as amended), including the following principles:
1) a physical defect consists in the non-compliance of the goods with the contract. In particular, the goods are inconsistent with the contract if:
a) the goods do not have properties that this kind of thing should have due to the purpose specified in the contract or resulting from circumstances or destination;
b) the goods do not have properties that the seller has provided to the consumer;
c) the goods are not suitable for the purpose of which the consumer informed the seller at the conclusion of the contract, and the seller did not raise any objections to such intended use;
d) the goods were delivered to the consumer in an incomplete state,
2) the goods have a legal defect if the goods are the property of a third party or if they are encumbered with the right of a third party, and if the restriction in the use or disposal of the goods results from a decision or judgment of a competent authority; when a right is sold, the seller is also responsible for the existence of the right;
3) the seller is liable under the warranty for physical defects that existed at the time the danger passed on to the consumer or resulted from a cause inherent in the goods at the same time;
4) the seller is released from liability under the warranty if the consumer knew about the defect at the time of concluding the contract;
5) if a physical defect was found within one year from the date of delivery of the goods, it is presumed that the defect or its cause existed at the time the risk passed on to the consumer;
6) the seller is liable under the warranty if a physical defect is found within two years from the date of delivery of the goods to the consumer, and if the goods purchased by the consumer are used movables, the seller is liable under the warranty if the physical defect is found within one year from the date of issue of the goods;
7) the consumer’s rights under the warranty are:
a) a request for a reduction in the price of the goods or withdrawal from the contract, unless the seller immediately and without undue inconvenience to the consumer replaces the defective item with a defect-free one or removes the defect;
b) the consumer may, instead of the removal of the defect proposed by the seller, demand that the goods be replaced with a defect-free one, or instead of replacing the goods, demand that the defect be removed, unless it is impossible to bring the goods into conformity with the contract in a manner chosen by the consumer or would require excessive costs compared to the proposed method by the seller. When assessing the excess of costs, the value of the defect-free item, the type and significance of the defect found are taken into account, as well as the inconvenience to which the consumer would otherwise be satisfied;
8) the consumer who exercises the rights under the warranty is obliged to deliver the defective item at the seller’s expense to the following address: ul. Bartycka 24/26/123, 00-716 Warsaw. The consumer should:
1) prepare the device for transport by disassembling it (disconnecting it from the water and electricity supply). Note: in the case of washing toilets, as a rule, it is enough to disassemble the upper body of the device (the toilet seat with a lid and all electronics), and the toilet bowl cannot be disassembled, because it does not fail and is not required to consider the complaint;
2) clean the device from any contamination resulting from normal use;
3) pack the goods correctly. Note: the seller suggests using the original packaging or a replacement cardboard with standard proportions and a cuboid shape, and with total dimensions not exceeding 70 x 60 x 30 cm;
4) consult the seller about the accessories or parts that should be included and attach them to the package;
5) secure the device reliably during transport in such a way that the device is protected on all sides with bubble wrap or other sealing material and protecting it against falling.

C. Withdrawal from the contract

1. Withdrawal from the contract by the seller or the customer may take place on the terms set out in the provisions of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2017.459, i.e. as amended).

2. The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods. The customer may withdraw from the sales contract by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the seller. The declaration may be submitted on a form, the specimen of which was posted by the seller on the store’s website at the following address: withdrawal form. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. If the form is sent by e-mail, the seller immediately confirms receipt of the form to the customer.

3. Information on the withdrawal from the contract by the consumer is included in the instruction on the right of withdrawal, available on the store’s website.

4. If the customer submitted a declaration of withdrawal from the sales contract before the seller accepted his offer, the offer ceases to be binding.

5. The right to withdraw from the contract is not available to the consumer in relation to certain contracts, i.e .:
1) provision of services, if the seller has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed prior to the commencement of the service that he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract once the service has been provided by the seller;
2) in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the seller has no control and which may occur before the deadline to withdraw from the contract;
3) in which the goods are a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs;
4) in which the goods are perishable or have a short use-by date;
5) in which the goods are delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the packaging has been opened after delivery;
6) in which the goods are items that after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items;
7) in which the goods are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the conclusion of the contract, and the delivery of which may take place only after 30 days, and the value of which depends on fluctuations in the market over which the seller has no control;
8) in which the consumer explicitly demanded that the seller came to him for urgent repairs or maintenance; if the seller provides additional services other than those requested by the consumer, or provides items other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract with regard to additional services or items;
9) in which the goods are sound or visual recordings or computer software delivered in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery;
10) providing newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;
11) concluded through a public auction;
12) provision of accommodation services, other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract indicates the day or period of service provision;
13) delivery of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance began with the consumer’s express consent before the deadline to withdraw from the contract and after informing the seller about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

5. The Seller shall immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the consumer’s statement on withdrawal from the contract, return to the consumer all payments made by him, including the costs of delivering the goods. The seller shall refund the payment using the same method of payment as used by the consumer, unless the consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of return, which does not involve any costs for him.

6. If the consumer has chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the seller, the seller is not obliged to reimburse the consumer for additional costs incurred by him.

7. The consumer is obliged to return the goods to the seller immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the sales contract. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the goods to the address of ul. Bartycka 24/26/123, 00-716 Warszawa before the expiry of this period.

8. The consumer is obliged to return the goods with all accessories, including packaging, if it constitutes an essential element of the goods. The consumer should:
1) prepare the device for transport by disassembling it (disconnecting it from the water and electricity supply). Note: in the case of washing toilets, as a rule, it is enough to disassemble the upper body of the device (the toilet seat with a lid and all electronics), and the toilet bowl cannot be disassembled, because it does not fail and is not required to consider the complaint;
2) clean the device from any contamination resulting from normal use;
3) pack the goods correctly. Note: the seller suggests using the original packaging or a replacement cardboard with standard proportions and a cuboid shape, and with total dimensions not exceeding 70 x 60 x 30 cm;
4) consult the seller about the accessories or parts that should be included and attach them to the package;
5) attach a declaration of withdrawal from the contract along with an indication of the bank account number for the reimbursement;
6) attach a receipt (if it has one) or proof of purchase;
7) secure the device reliably during transport in such a way that the device is secured on all sides with bubble wrap or other sealing material and protecting it against falling.

9. The seller may refrain from reimbursing the payment until receipt of the goods or until proof of its return is provided to the seller, whichever occurs first.

10. The consumer bears only the direct costs of returning the goods, unless the seller agreed to bear them or did not inform the consumer about the necessity to bear these costs.

11. The consumer is liable for a decrease in the value of the goods as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

12. In the event of effective withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered void.

13. Note: The Seller does not collect COD shipments.

14. The provisions of points 2-14 apply to a privileged entrepreneur with the rights of a consumer.

D. Service

1. The Seller provides maintenance services against payment on the basis of a separate agreement with the customer.

2. For details, contact can be made by phone (735 877 668) or by e-mail (


1. Do not connect the device with a damaged plug or to a loose electrical outlet.

2. Before use, make sure you are using a dedicated electrical outlet. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or product damage.

3. Do not move the product by pulling the plug to prevent damage or electric shock.

4. Do not touch the power cord with wet hands. Doing so may result in electric shock.

5. Do not bend the power cord sharply and do not use pliers to prevent it from being damaged or deformed.

6. Do not plug in or pull out the power plug suddenly.

7. Disconnect the product from the power supply before each cleaning, repair, inspection, or replacement of parts.

8. Try to remove dust and water from the power plug on a regular basis.

9. Do not connect other devices to the same strip or extension cord, which could overload the electric network.

10. If the power cord is damaged, do not try to repair, modify or replace it yourself. For this purpose, please contact our service department.

11. If the product makes an unusual noise, gives off a burning odor, or emits smoke, disconnect it from the electrical outlet immediately and contact our service department. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or fire.

12. Do not insert cables or sharp objects into product slots or the warm air outlet. This may result in electric shock or product failure.

13. Do not place an electric heater near the appliance or throw any lit materials, such as a cigarette, into it, to avoid fire or deformation of the product.

14. Do not place any flammable materials or materials susceptible to high temperature on the product. If a foreign object enters the interior of the device, it may cause electric shock or fire.

15. Do not use the product in places subject to excessive moisture and do not spray it with water.

16. Do not use the product when it is not working properly. In this case, immediately disconnect the appliance from the power supply and the water inlet, and then contact our service department. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or fire.

17. When bathing, showering or cleaning the bathroom, disconnect the plug from the electrical outlet and be careful not to let water or detergent splash on the product to prevent fire or electric shock.

18. Do not disassemble, repair or modify the product yourself.

19. Do not use the product while bathing or showering.

20. Do not place or store the product in a place where it may be subject to fall.

21. Do not put the product in water or any other liquid.

22. Do not use the product when it is flooded with water. In this case, disconnect the device from the power supply immediately.

23. Do not use or store the product in places where flammable materials are used.

24. Do not connect sewage water, industrial mixed water, seawater, or other untreated or medium-treated water. Doing so may result in skin infections or a malfunction of the device.

25. Do not block the warm air outlet with your hand.

26. Disconnect the water source when cleaning the machine.

27. For children and the elderly who have difficulty responding adequately to temperature changes or have sensitive skin, set the washing and drying temperature to “low” or “off” to prevent burns.

28. Close supervision is mandatory when the product is used by children or by persons requiring assistance.

29. Do not press the buttons on the device or the control remote with excessive force.

30. Do not step on or place heavy objects on the toilet seat or cover.

31. Use this product only for its intended purpose and as described in the contents of this manual. Do not use the product based on additional attachments that are not recommended by us.

32. Never use this product if it has a damaged cord or plug, is not working properly, has been dropped, damaged or has been in contact with water. In this case, please return the product to our service department for inspection and repair.

33. Keep the electric cord away from hot surfaces.

34. Do not block the device’s ventilation openings. Do not place the product on a soft surface such as a bed or sofa that might block the ventilation holes.

35. Do not use the product while sleeping or while you are sleepy.

36. Do not drop or place any objects in the openings of the device.

37. Do not use the product outdoors or in places where aerosol products (sprays) are used or where the device may be exposed to oxygen.

38. The product should be earthed. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock. This product is equipped with a connector consisting of a grounding wire with a grounding plug. This plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded.

39. Disconnect the device from the power supply before filling the tank. Only fill the tank with clean water. Do not exceed the water filling level limit.

40. Children may not clean or maintain the appliance without supervision.

41. The appliance must be earthed.

42. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or another suitably qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

43. Connect the product with a durable and sealed water hose.

44. Fixed appliances without means of disconnecting from the mains, with all-pole contact separation for complete disconnection in overvoltage category III, must be connected to fixed wiring in accordance with wiring regulations.

45. Connect the product to the water supply with a single water hose, not a hose kit.

46. Unplug the product from the power source during lightning storms to avoid electric shock.

47. Do not use a DC or AC power supply other than 220V or 230V electrical voltage. Doing so may cause the product to malfunction.

48. Do not bend or twist the water inlet hose. Doing so could cause a water leak.

49. Do not lean on the toilet seat or lid. Doing so could damage the device or cause a personal injury.

50. Do not install the appliance in a room prone to frost. The room temperature should not be below 4 ° C to avoid freezing or damage to the appliance.

51. Do not expose the device to direct water, strong light or sunlight. Doing so can cause fading or unstable operating temperatures.


1. Do not connect the main water valve to a hot water supply. Connect to a cold water supply only.

2. After installation is complete, check all water inlet connections for leakage. Install a gasket where the inlet hose connects to the tee.

3. Do not open or close the toilet seat or lid with excessive force.

4. When using the product, make sure that faeces do not come into contact with the nozzles or the hot air outlet. Do not urinate on the bowl and nozzles. Doing so will lead to malfunctions, odors, or pinkish-brown stains.

5. If the product will not be used for an extended period of time, disconnect the power cord and water source, and empty all water in the tank to avoid skin infections or water contamination.

6. Do not pull the connection hose with excessive force.

7. Do not use thinners, benzene, acidic chemicals, chlorine or hydrochloric acid, gasoline, banana water, paint solvent, sanitizing powder, or a nylon brush as it may corrode metal parts, discolor or scratch the bidet body.

8. People (including children) with reduced physical, sensory, mental abilities or lack of experience and knowledge should use the device under the supervision of a person responsible for their safety. Please pay special attention to ensure that children do not play with the device.

9. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

10. This mark indicates that this product should not be disposed of with other household waste throughout the European Union. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To return the used device, use the option of return and collection of the equipment by a qualified company or contact the retailer from whom the product was purchased. Ultimately, the product should be recycled in an environmentally safe manner.